• Open Hours: Mon - Sat 9.00 - 6.00

Poultry Healthcare

Poultry Healthcare

Cnoviar is a sustainable and passionate organisation committed to leading in poultry health through innovative and trusted products and services to support the veterinary profession.

Poultry Health Products

Gumboro I

Intermediate strain utilized against Infectious Bursal Disease for both initial and booster vaccinations.

Gumboro I+

Intermediate invasive strain used against Infectious Bursal Disease, for both initial and booster vaccinations.

Livacox Q

Live strain used for life-long immunisation against Coccidiosis in domestic poultry.

Live B1

Live B1 strain used for immunisation of chickens against Newcastle Disease.

Live B1 M48

Live vaccine for the inoculation of chickens against Newcastle Disease and Avian Infectious Bronchitis, developed with the B1 and mild Massachusetts type strain.

Live FP

Live, cell culture adapted vaccine for the immunisation of chickens against Fowl Pox Disease.

Live H120

Live, Massachusetts type strain used for the inoculation of chickens against Avian Infectious Bronchitis.

Live Las

Live LaSota strain of chicken embryo origin used for inoculation of chickens against Newcastle Disease.

Live Las Mas

Live, Lasota and mild Massachusetts strain used for the immunisation of chickens against Newcastle Disease and Avian Infectious Bronchitis.

Live M48

Live, mild Massachusetts type strain used for the immunisation of chickens against Infectious Bronchitis.

Live R2B

Live, mesogenic Mukteshwar strain used for revaccination after the B1 or LaSota vaccine, particularly in areas with more incidence of velogenic Newcastle Disease.

Live S-One

Live strain utilised for immunisation against Fowl Typhoid and Salmonella pullorum infections.